Sunday, February 1, 2009

fish spa.........

On saturday my mum called me as to inform her granddaughter(actually my aunts' granddaughter )from kedah was here doing her practical in the general hospital..bp.I was excited to meet her since I seldom meet my relatives from north m' fact never meet them..
so..i drove alone to my mum's house after permited by my dear HBY..(he had already an appointment wt his fren..and my son adi wanted to complete his hmework...)ugh..i started to my son...(biasele..cuti panjang..keje sk.x siap..padahal aku pun macam tu juga..anta assigment last minute...haha..cover line..)
So..sambung i ni pangkat mak saudarale..she was with her fren from pahang.i asked her dah jalan2 bp ke...alahai siannya..baru sampai taSIK Y..I pun ajak my mum and the girls..jom ronda2 bp...seronokla depa..( Cek..cakap kedahla pulak..dah jumpe..suku sakat)my mum..asyik jalan aje...just came back from bangi..then sempat juga lah gi picnic kat g.lambak.wt my sisters from jb and kelang ( cuti cny hari tu )then dia..di bawa pulak gi jb..and now i bawa gi jalan lagi...bila lagila..nak..berbakti pd ibu kite..selagi dia ada...after round bp..we at last gi bp mall...manalagi lah kat bp ni...wah my..mum maSUK FIRST LADYLA....boleh tahan juga..nak li tudung..okla tu...then yang seronok and teruja..i saw ada fish spa...we were so attracted with the gara fuda waS written a unique effectiveness of doctor fish gambar...the girls went some where else kami berdua..memanjakan kaki kami...hehe..geli.tapi best juga....pas tu on the way anta my son today balik hostel...i gi lagi.dgn hby n.adi...promosi baik punye..hby pun nak rasa sama....

see...ini bukan kaki I hby ........
Bonda kesayangan dengan I.......seronok digigit garafuda fish..
kebaikannya.kelihatan lebih muda segar they only consume the effected and dead areas of skin..


futbolmaster said...

macam best jer..huhu

azie said...

hello..sayang..itula ngape tak balik cuti cny hari tu..tapi memang tak rancang..mulanya nak gi dgn yr siblings aaje...but it came to be.your aunts pun nak ikut sama..ok jgn jeles..